Example of aVS graphics capability
/We wanted to provide an example of the type of graphics that our servers can generate internally, without requiring any third-party systems. A short video is attached below (content courtesy of Cafe Studios):
A number of elements can be seen in this example:
- The video has been squeezed back into the left corner, leaving space for graphic elements around the edge. In this example, the resulting blank space has been filled with an animation, which is just visible behind the news bar at the bottom.
- A logo has been inserted bottom-left. This example (our logo) is a rectangular image, but more elaborate graphics - e.g. animated and/or with an alpha layer - can also be used.
- A clock has been inserted next to the logo. The format is completely flexible, so for instance am/pm might be used instead of the 24-hour time, and the seconds might be hidden. A date or temperature might be used instead or as well.
- A ticker has been added along the bottom of the screen, in this case showing at least three different types of item (i.e. with different background colours).
- A news bar has been added above the ticker. In this case, text is displayed as complete 'pages' rather than scrolling horizontally. Again, different types of entry are possible - e.g. with different backgrounds.
- The top-right panel shows rotating pages of traffic/travel information, using text and icons over a specified background. This element also includes an example of an embedded video on one of the pages.
- The bottom-right panel shows weather information, again including different icons and text. For both of these right-hand panels, the server is capable of obtaining and processing underlying data itself. So, if desired, it is possible for the aVS to collect traffic, travel and weather information appropriate to the local area directly, and then build a sequence of graphic pages based on that data automatically, without any user intervention.
This is intended just as an example of the type of layout that is possible. Every aspect is configurable, including the number of layers being used, the images shown, their location, size and transparency, the font(s) being used and the size, style and location of any text, plus entry and exit transitions for any element. Tools within our standard FMC application allow data to be entered manually when required. The operator can control when each element is shown (they can be displayed / removed individually or as a group) and automation can be used to show/hide graphics based on a transmission schedule.